29-30 lot Attaoufik - Sidi Mâarouf - 20190 Casablanca - MAROC
+ (212) 522 32 15 37/38
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Illustration of our achievements in the various fields.
Illustration of our achievements in the various fields.
1. Pumping
2. Treatment
3. Purification
4. Dosing and instrumentation
Sidi Kacem softener | Cherifian Petroleum Company | 8 l/s
Rehabilitation of the activated sludge treatment Station in Hoceima | ONEE | 3 l/s
Bouregreg pre-chlorination station | ONEE | 200 kg/h
El Hachef treatment station | ONEE | 500 l/s
Berkane aerated lagoon wastewater treatment Station | ONEE | 100 l/s
Wastewater pumping station in Saidia | ONEE | 370 l/s
M’rirt aerated lagoon wastewater treatment Station | ONEE | 50 l/s
Bouregreg pre-chlorination station | ONEE | 200 kg/h
Pretreatment station | RADEM | 4000 l/s
Chlorination system Torreta treatment plant | ONEE | 25 kg/h
Pumping station Irrigation water | ORMVAL | 2000 l/s
Pumping station Drinking water Hachef | ONEE | 500 l/s
Extension of the Boujdour desalination Station | ONEE | 4 l/s
Jorf Al Asfar Demineralization Station | OCP | 50 l/s
Continuous water quality analyzer | AMENDED
Barges of the April 09 in Tangier | ONEE | 2500 l/s